National Movement

Divest Oregon: Reinvest in a Fossil-Free Future

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Institutions are Divesting

The fossil fuel divestment movement has grown to encompass more than 1,500 institutions with $40 Trillion in assets in the last decade, according to the Global Fossil  Fuel Commitments Database maintained by and Ahem: yes – that’s $40 Trillion. And these numbers have already been exceeded. The market size of the Retirement and Pension Plans industry in the US, measured by revenue, was $953.6 bn in 2023.

For an overview of the divestment movement, see Invest/Divest 2021

Many institutions have found that they can get a better investment return if fossil fuels are removed from their portfolio. One example: The University of California has a portfolio about the same size as Oregon and they fully divested in 2020.

States & Cities are also Divesting

New York City and New York State provide peer models for Oregon, given the size of their pension funds. Oregon is making progress towards both a net-zero plan and legislation to limit fossil fuel investments.

New York State

New York City


  • Oregon’s Treasurer in 2024, Tobias Read, presented a Pathway to Net Zero to the Oregon Investment Council.
  • Also in 2024, the Oregon Legislature passed The Coal Act to direct the Treasury to divest from coal, adopting a provision in the Treasurer’s proposed net zero plan. A result Divest Oregon considers strategically important, the act illustrates that the legislature has a role in directing the Treasury in its investments and requiring the Treasury to screen its investments.
  • In 2025, Divest Oregon will introduce The Pause Act, a moratorium on investment in private investments devoted to fossil fuels.
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