Join the Coalition

We are a statewide grassroots coalition of individuals and organizations representing unions with PERS members, racial and climate justice groups, youth leaders, and faith communities with the goal of calling the Oregon State Treasury to account for its funding of climate devastation rather than prudent investing in a sustainable future. We are part of a national movement; a member of the Climate Safe Pensions Network and the Stop the Money Pipeline coalition. 350PDX was the founding member of Divest Oregon in mid 2021 and the campaign formally launched in September 2021. A brief history of Divest Oregon's wins can be found here.

We are an open-membership, all-volunteer, non-partisan coalition. Volunteers contribute to workgroups and roles. We do not endorse candidates.

  • Expandable List of Coalition Partners

    AAUP Oregon

    Active Bethel Community

    AFSCME Local 88

    AFT-Oregon (American Federation of Teachers)


    Beyond Toxics

    Black Unity PDX BFSC

    Breach Collective

    Cascadia Climate Action Now

    Cascadia High Speed Rail Company

    Cedar Action

    Church Women United (Lane County)

    Climate Action Cottage Grove

    Climate Change Recovery

    Climate Justice League, University of Oregon

    Climate Reality, Portland Chapter

    Coast Range Association

    CODEPINK Women for Peace

    Columbia Riverkeeper

    Community Rights Lane County

    Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network (COIN)

    Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee

    Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action

    Democratic Socialists of America Portland Chapter

    Douglas County Global Warming Coalition

    Earth Guardians 350 South

    EcoFaith Recovery

    Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon

    Elders Climate Action – Oregon Chapter

    Electrify Corvallis

    Electrify Now Portland

    Environment Oregon

    Eugene-Springfield Democratic Socialists of America 

    Eugene Raging Grannies

    Eugene Springfield Interfaith EarthKeepers

    Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network

    Families for Climate

    First Unitarian Church of Portland – Community for Earth

    Forest Web

    Fridays for Future Portland

    Greenpeace Portland Volunteer Action Pod

    Human Rights Human Stories 

    Independent Party of Oregon

    Indivisible Cedar Mill

    Jewish Federation of Greater Portland

    Kalikasan Solidarity Organization

    Medford Congregational United Church of Christ

    Mobilizing Climate Action Together

    Mosquito Fleet

    Multnomah County Democratic Committee

    NAACP – Corvallis/Albany

    NAACP – Eugene/Springfield

    NAACP Portland Branch 1120B

    Newberg Sustainable Solutions Group

    No More Freeways 

    NWGSD.org (Nasty Women Get Shit Done)


    Oregon Education Association 

    Oregon Environmental Council

    Oregon Interfaith Power and Light

    Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility

    OSPIRG University of Oregon

    Our Children’s Trust

    Our Climate

    Our Revolution Oregon

    Pacific Climate Warriors PDX

    Pacific Green Party of Oregon

    Partners for Sustainable Schools/Our Future Student Leadership Network

    Portland Community College Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals 

    Portland Harbor Community Coalition

    Portland Jobs with Justice

    Portland Raging Grannies


    Portland State University Faculty Association (PSUFA 3571)

    Portland Youth Climate Strike

    Prescient Transmission Systems

    Rogue Climate

    Rural Oregon Climate Political Action Committee (ROCPAC)

    Rural Organizing Project

    Salem-Keizer Interfaith Network

    Sierra Club - Oregon

    Southern Oregon Climate Action Now


    Sunrise Beaverton

    Sunrise Eugene

    Sunrise Movement PDX

    Sunrise Rural Oregon

    Sustainable Cottage Grove 

    Third Act Oregon

    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis (UUFC)

    Unite Oregon

    Washington County Democrats

    We All Rise Consulting

    We Keep Trees Standing


    350 Corvallis

    350 Deschutes

    350 Eugene

    350 PDX

    350 Salem

    350.org Washington County

  • History of the Divest Oregon Coalition

    May 2021: A Climate Activist Q&A with Treasurer Tobias Read was sponsored by 350PDX and many other sponsoring organizations around the state.

    June 2021: Treasurer Read was interviewed by Dave Miller on OPB’s Think Out Loud in an interview called “Will Oregon Divest from Fossil Fuels.”

    July 2021: Initial coalition workgroups were formed.

    August 2021: A Public Records Request was made to the Treasury for all holdings. On Dec 9, 2021, the holdings were finally released.

    September 2021: The formal campaign launch of Divest Oregon occurred with 30 coalition organizations which quickly expanded to 80 organizations around the state by December 2021.

    November 2021:  A Washington Post article titled, “Liberal Oregon resists dropping controversial investments” (carried in most Oregon media outlets), exposed the lack of transparency of the Treasury and their inability to get rid of troublesome private equity  assets. 

    December 2021: Op-Ed was published about the Treasury Transparency Bill by Co-Chief Sponsors Pham, Holvey & Golden, stating that Oregon must disclose and divest from fossil fuels.

    Jan-March 2022: HB 4115 Treasury Transparency Bill is introduced in the Oregon Legislature and runs out of time, opposed by the Oregon Treasury.

    April 2022: "Risky Business: Oregon Treasury's Fossil Fuel Problem" report published. Many media outlets released reports about the significant fossil fuel holdings by the Oregon State Treasury.

    July 2022: Treasury released highly redacted Climate Risk Assessment report after intense pressure from Divest Oregon.

    November 2022: "Oregon Treasury's Private Investment Transparency Problem" report published.

    November 2022: Divest Oregon's Right to Know campaign is launched.

    January 2023: HB 2601- Treasury Investment and Climate Protection Act is introduced in the Oregon Legislature.

    April 2023: Divest Oregon publish report entitled, "Oregon Treasury’s ESG Investment Failure" highlighting the PERS Fossil Fuel Investments that Fund Human Rights Violations, Community Destruction, and Climate Chaos.

    Summer/Fall 2023: Treasurer Roundtables regarding Net Zero Plan

    Feb 2024: Treasurer Read released Oregon Net-Zero Plan. One of the first in the US.

    March 2024: The COAL Act (HB 4083) passed legislature, supported by the Treasurer, and signed by Governor Kotek. The 3rd state legislature to pass a divestment law.

    April 2024: Oregon Treasurer Candidate Forum had largest gathering of Oregonians to listen to candidates discuss the Oregon Net-Zero plan and other topics.

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